序号 |
论文题目 |
第一作者 |
通讯作者 |
卷、期、页码 |
1 |
Modelling future climate change impacts on winter wheat yield and water use: A case study in Guanzhong Plain, northwestern China. |
Saddique Qaisar |
Cai Huanjie* |
European Journal of Agronomy,(2020).119:126113. |
2 |
Evapotranspiration partitioning and crop coefficient of maize in dry semi-humid climate regime. |
Wang Yunfei(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020).236:106164. |
3 |
(2021).Adaptation of winter wheat varieties and irrigation patterns under future climate change conditions in Northern China. |
Wang Xiaowen (学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agricultural Water Management, 243:106409. |
4 |
(2021)Deficit irrigation improves maize yield and water use efficiency in a semi-arid environment. |
Zou Yufeng(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agricultural Water Management, 243:106483. |
5 |
(2021) The physiological response of winter wheat under short-term drought conditions and the sensitivity of different indices to soil water changes. |
Mu Qing (学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agricultural Water Management, 243:106475. |
6 |
Spatial and temporal effects of drought on Chinese vegetation under different coverage levels. |
Ding Yibo(学) |
Xu Jiatun*, Cai Huanjie* |
Science of the Total Environment,(2020).716:137166. |
7 |
Winter wheat production on the Guanzhong Plain of Northwest China under projected future climate with SimCLIM. |
Zheng Zhen |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020).239:106233. |
8 |
Exploring optimal irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system for improving crop yield and reducing water and nitrogen leaching. |
Xu Jiatun(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020).228:105904. |
9 |
Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization management on crop yields and long-term dynamic characteristics of water and nitrogen transport at deep soil depths. |
Xu Jiatun(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Soil & Tillage Research,(2020).198:104536. |
10 |
Analysis and prediction of vegetation dynamic changes in China: Past, present and future. |
Zhou Zhaoqiang(学) |
Shi Haiyun*, Cai Huanjie*. |
Ecological Indicators,(2020).117:106642. |
11 |
Effects of the combination of mulching and deficit irrigation on the soil water and heat, growth and productivity of apples. |
YangLiao(学) |
Hong-XiaCao* |
Agricultural Water Management. (2021). 243. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106482 |
12 |
A Sequential Structure for Water Inflow Forecasting in Coal Mines Integrating Feature Selection and Multi-Objective Optimization. |
Chen, S. |
Chen, S. |
IEEE Access,(2020). 8, 183619-183632. |
13 |
(2020). Utilizing comprehensive decision analysis methods to determine an optimal planting pattern and nitrogen application for winter oilseed rape. |
Du Yadan |
Niu Wenquan* |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(9):2229-2238. |
14 |
(2020). Effects of manure fertilizer on crop yield and soil properties in China: A meta-analysis. |
Du Yadan |
Niu Wenquan* |
Catena, 193: 104617. |
15 |
(2020). Aerated irrigation improves tomato yield and nitrogen use efficiency while reducing nitrogen application rate. |
Du Yadan |
Niu Wenquan* |
Agricultural Water Management, 235: 106152. |
16 |
(2020). Modification of CSM-CROPGRO-Cotton model for simulating cotton growth and yield under various deficit irrigation strategies. |
Li, M(学) |
Du, Y* |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 179, 105843. |
17 |
Comparisons of spray characteristics between vertical impact and turbine drive sprinklers—A case study of the 50PYC and HY50 big gun-type sprinklers. |
Ge Maosheng |
Zhu Delan* |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020). 228:105847. |
18 |
Optimized configuration of a hose reel traveling irrigator. |
Ge Maosheng |
Wu Pute* |
Agricultural Water Management, (2020).240:106302. |
19 |
An optimized model for simulating grain-filling of maize and regulating nitrogen application rates under different film mulching and nitrogen fertilizer regimes on the Loess Plateau, China. |
Fang Heng (学) |
Gu Xiaobo* |
Soil & Tillage Research, (2020).199: 104546. |
20 |
Estimating crop genetic parameters for DSSAT with modified PEST software. |
Ma, H.(学) |
Yu, Q. and He, J. * |
European Journal of Agronomy, 2020. 115: 126017. |
21 |
System performance analysis of a hybrid ground source heat pump with optimal control strategies based on numerical simulations. |
Gaoyang Hou |
Hessam Taherian* |
Geothermics,(2020). 86:101849 |
22 |
Combining plant height, canopy coverage and vegetation index from UAV-based RGB images to estimate leaf nitrogen concentration of summer maize |
Junsheng Lu(学) |
Tiantian Hu |
Biosystems Engineering,202:42-54 |
23 |
Biomass accumulation and distribution, yield formation and water use efficiency responses of maize (Zea mays L.) to nitrogen supply methods under partial root-zone irrigation. |
Qi Dongliang(学) |
Hu Tiantian* |
Agricultural WaterManagement, 2020. 230, 105981 |
24 |
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation on the influence of the clocking effect on the hydraulic performance of the centrifugal pump as turbine. |
Guan Hongyu(学) |
Jiang Wei* |
Renewable Energy, (2020). 168:21-30. |
25 |
Modeling the effects of lakes in the Tibetan Plateau on diurnal variations of regional climate and their seasonality. |
Zhu Lingjing |
Jin Jiming* |
Journal of Hydrometeorology, (2020). 21(11): 2523-2536. |
26 |
Effect of high temperature on morphologies of fibers and mechanical properties of multi-scale fiber reinforced cement-based composites. |
Li Li |
Danying Gao*, Mingli Cao* |
Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 261, 120487. |
27 |
Projections of drought characteristics in China based on a standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index and multiple GCMs. |
Ning Yao(学) |
Xiaotao Hu*, Yi Li*. |
Science of the Total Environment. 2020,704:135245 |
28 |
Spatiotemporal variability of standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index in mainland China over 1961–2016. |
Mengjie Wu(学) |
Yi Li* |
International Journal of Climatology, 2020, 1–19 |
29 |
Similarity and difference of potential evapotranspiration and reference crop evapotranspiration-a review. |
Keyu Xiang(学), |
Yi Li* |
Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 232: 106043 |
30 |
Impact of climate change on cotton growth and yields in Xinjiang, |
Na Li(学) |
Yi Li* |
China. Field Crops Research, 2020, 247: 107590 |
31 |
Effects of CO2 fertilization on tomato fruit quality under reduced irrigation. |
Xin Yang(学) |
Fulai Liu* |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020). 230:105985. |
32 |
Investigation on optimization of self-adaptive closure law for load rejection to a reversible pump turbine based on CFD[J]. |
Xiuli Mao* |
Xiuli Mao* |
Journal of cleaner production.//doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124739 |
33 |
Analytical solution for consolidation of combined composite foundation reinforced with penetrated impermeable columns and partially penetrated permeable stone columns. |
Yu, C(学) |
Zhang, A. & Ren, W. |
Computers and Geotechnics, (2020). 124, 103606. |
34 |
A GHz rotary nanoflake driven by diamond needles: A molecular dynamics study. |
Shi J* |
Shi J*, Cai K*. |
Materials & Design, 2020, 191:108593. |
35 |
Calibration method affects the measured δ2H and δ18O in soil water by direct H2Oliquid–H2Ovapour equilibration with laser spectroscopy. |
Hongxiu Wang(学) |
Bingcheng Si* |
Hydrological Processes, (2020). 34: 506-516. |
36 |
Using hydrological modelling and data-driven approaches to quantify mining activities impacts on centennial streamflow |
Song Xiaoyan |
Zhang Yongqiang* |
Journal of Hydrology, 124764 |
37 |
Determinants of Agricultural Water Demand in China. |
李冲(学) |
孙世坤 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
38 |
Estimation of high spatiotemporal resolution actual evapotranspiration by combining the SWH model with the METRIC, model. |
Zhao Jinfeng#(学) |
Sun Shikun* |
Journal of Hydrology, (2020).586:124883 |
39 |
Review on research status of virtual water: the perspective of accounting methods, impact assessment and limitations |
Sun Jingxin#(学) |
Sun Shikun* |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020) 239, 106175 |
40 |
The competitive relationship between food and energy production for water in China. |
滑恩En Hua(学) |
Yubao Wang*, |
Journal of Cleaner Production,2020. 247, 119103 |
41 |
New challenges of food security in Northwest China: Water footprint and virtual water perspective. |
刘显Xian Liu(学) |
Yubao Wang*, |
Journal of Cleaner Production,2020. 245, 1-14 |
42 |
Transversely isotropic frost heave modeling with heat moisture deformation coupling[J]. |
Liu Q H(学) |
Wang Z Z* |
Acta Geotech, 2020, 15(5): 1273-1287. |
43 |
Can soil conservation practices reshape the relationship between sediment yield and slope gradient? |
Wu Lei* |
Wu Lei* |
Ecological Engineering,2020. 142, 105630. |
44 |
Is the correlation between hydro-environmental variables consistent with their own time variability degrees in a large-scale loessial watershed? |
Wu Lei |
Ma Xiaoyi* |
Science of the Total Environment. 2020. 722, 137737. |
45 |
Effects of particulate fractions on critical slope and critical rainfall intensity for runoff phosphorus from bare loessial soil. |
Wu Lei |
Wu Lei* |
Catena, (2021). 196, 104935. |
46 |
Spatial-temporal distribution of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and water use efficiency under ridge–furrow dual mulching, |
Yajin Hu |
Shufang Wu *, Benhua Sun ** |
Agricultural Water Management,(2020). 240:10-21 |
47 |
Black plastic film combined with straw mulching delays senescence and increases summer maize yield in northwest China, |
Yajin Hu |
Shufang Wu * |
Agricultural Water Management, (2020).231:1-11 |
48 |
Alternating wide ridges and narrow furrows with film mulching improves soil hydrothermal conditions and maize water use efficiency in dry sub-humid regions, |
Chenxiao Duan(学) |
Shufang Wu * |
Agricultural Water Management (2021) DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106559 |
49 |
Multi-objective short-term hydropower generation operation for cascade reservoirs and stochastic decision making under multiple uncertainties. |
Zhe Yang, |
Kan Yang* |
Journal of Cleaner Production, 276: 122995. |
50 |
Combined application of soluble organic and chemical fertilizers in drip fertigation improves nitrogen use efficiency and enhances tomato yield and quality. |
Wu You(学) |
Yan Shicheng and Zhang Fucang*. |
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, (2020).100,15: 5422-5433. |
51 |
Dynamic change and accumulation of grain macronutrient (N, P and K) concentrations in winter wheat under different drip fertigation regimes. |
Yan Shicheng(学) |
Wu You and Zhang Fucang*. |
Field Crops Research,(2020). 250:107767. |
52 |
A sustainable strategy of managing irrigation based on water productivity and residual soil nitrate in a no-tillage maize system. |
Yan Shicheng(学) |
Wu You and Zhang Fucang*. |
Journal of Cleaner Production,(2020). 262:121279. |
53 |
Experimental study of steady seepage in unsaturated loess soil. |
Tian Kanliang |
Zhang Huili* |
Acta Geotechnica,15(9):2681-2689 |
54 |
Improvements to solutions for normal depth in multiple sections of tunnels [J]. |
Haixin Shang(学) |
Zhang Kuandi* |
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 73 (2020) 101723 DOI:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101723 |
55 |
Hydrodynamic characteristics and evolution law of roll waves in overland flow [J]. |
Jingwen Wang(学) |
Zhang Kuandi* |
Catena.. 198(2021)105068 DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2020.105068 |
56 |
Response of interrill erosion to flow parameters of sand loess in regions with high and coarse sediment yields [J]. |
Li Pu(学) |
Zhang Kuandi* |
Journal of Hydrology.(2020). 592:125786 DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125786 |
57 |
Effect of varying wheatgrass density on resistance to overland flow [J]. |
Shang Haixin(学) |
Zhang Kuandi* |
Journal of Hydrology. 591 (2020) 125594 DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125594 |
58 |
Transient safety assessment and risk mitigation of a hydroelectric generation system. |
Li Huanhuan(学) |
Chen Diyi* |
Energy,(2020). 196: 117-135. |
59 |
Dynamic maintenance planning of a hydro-turbine in operational life cycle. |
Ruopu Li(学) |
Chen Diyi* |
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 204. (IF:5.156,1区) |
60 |
Performance analysis of pumped-storage plant from condenser mode to generating process. |
Zhao Ziwen(学) |
Chen Diyi* |
Journal of Energy Storage,Volume 29,2020. |
61 |
Estimating Soil Water Content and Evapotranspiration of Winter Wheat under Deficit Irrigation Based on SWAP Model. |
Wang Xiaowen(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Sustainability,(2020). 12(22):9451. |
62 |
Aerated Irrigation of Different Irrigation Levels and Subsurface Dripper Depths Affects Fruit Yield, Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Greenhouse Tomato. |
Zhu Yan(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Sustainability,(2020).12(7):2703 |
63 |
Modelling root water uptake under deficit irrigation and rewetting in Northwest China. |
Wang Xiaowen(学) |
Cai Huanjie* |
Agronomy Journal,(2020).112(1):158-174. |
64 |
Effects of Elevated Air Temperature and CO(2)on Maize Production and Water Use Efficiency under Future Climate Change Scenarios in Shaanxi Province, China. |
Saddique Qaisar |
Cai Huanjie* |
Atmosphere,(2020).11(8):843 |
65 |
Analyzing adaptation strategies for maize production under future climate change in Guanzhong Plain, China. |
Saddique Qaisar |
Cai Huanjie* |
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,(2020). DOI:10.1007/S11027-020-09935-0. |
66 |
Simulation of Climate Change Impacts on Phenology and Production of Winter Wheat in Northwestern China Using CERES-Wheat Model. |
Zheng Zhen |
Cai Huanjie* |
Atmosphere,(2020).11(7):681. |
67 |
Nitrogen Nutrition Diagnosis Based on Critical Nitrogen Model and SPAD Value of Different Leaf Positions in Greenhouse Tomato. |
Shi Xiaohu |
Cai Huanjie* |
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,(2020).24(4):891-899. |
68 |
Grapev ine sap flow in response to physio-environmental factors under solar greenhouse conditions. |
Wei Xinguang |
Chen Dianyu* |
Water, (2020). 12(11): |
69 |
Determining the water quality index of treated waste water for repellent and wettable sandy loam based on infiltration characteristics[J]. |
ZHAO Xiao(学)# |
CHEN Junying* |
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020,18(2)3577-3592 |
70 |
Retrieval of cotton plant water content by UAV-based vegetation supply water index (VSWI)[J]. |
CHEN Shuobo(学) |
CHEN Junying* |
International Journal of Remote sensing. (2020). VOL. 41, NO. 11, 4389–4407 |
71 |
A compound approach for monthly runoff forecasting based on multiscale analysis and deep network with sequential structure. |
Chen, S. |
Chen, S. |
Water, (2020). 12(8), 2274. |
72 |
Numerical analysis of the flow mechanism and axial force characteristics of the cavity in a centrifugal pump with a front inducer. |
Zhang Haichen(学) |
Dong Wei* |
Journal of Vibroengineering,(2020). 22(5): 1210-1227. |
73 |
An Improved Thermal Conductivity Model for Unsaturated Clay |
Song, XY (学) |
Fan, HH* |
.KSCE journal of civil engineering,24(8) : 2364-2371. |
74 |
Characteristics of Shear Strength and Deformation of Compacted Q3 Loess. |
Jia-Wei, L (Jia-Wei, Liu,学) |
F (Heng-Hui, Fan)* |
Soil mechanics and foundation engineering, 57(1) : 65-72. |
75 |
(2020). Effect of plastic film residue on vertical infiltration under different initial soil moisture contents and dry bulk densities. |
Cao Junhao (学) |
Gu Xiaobo*, Li Yuannong*. |
Water, 12(5): 1346. |
76 |
Optimization method for a lap-assembled parabolic concrete channel structure |
Chenglin Peng(学) |
He, Wuquan* |
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ,(2020). 146(6): 04020011(1-11) |
77 |
Research on the Comprehensive Optimization of the Hydraulic Performance and Frost-Heaving Resistance of a Parabolic Channel. |
Yang, Zhuo(学) |
He, Wuquan* |
WATER,(2020).12(9):2574 |
78 |
Model optimization and parameter sensitivity analysis of a parabolic composite section open channel. |
Li, Gang(学) |
He, Wuquan* |
IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE,(2020). 11,DOI: 10.1002/ird.2543(1-12) |
79 |
Experimental study on unconsolidated undrained shear strength characteristics of synthetic cotton fiber reinforced soil[J]. |
Jian-long Liu(学) |
Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)* |
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 1773-1783. (EI) |
80 |
Study on the dynamic constitutive relationship of EPS particles light weight soil based on Hardin-Drnevich model[J]. |
Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺) |
Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)* |
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 1785-1798. (EI) |
81 |
Water stability of light weight soil amended with expanded polystyrene beads[J]. |
Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺) |
Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)* |
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 2539-2550. (EI) |
82 |
Rapid estimation of leaf nitrogen content in apple-trees based on canopy hyperspectral reflectance using multivariate methods. |
Chen Shaomin(学) |
Hu Tiantian* |
Infrared Physics & Technology,111 doi.org/10.1016/j.infrared.2020.103542 |
83 |
Evaluation of the Crop Water Stress Index as an Indicator for the Diagnosis of Grapevine Water Deficiency in Greenhouses. |
Chen Ru(学) |
Xiaotao Hu* |
Horticulturae 2020, 6, 86 |
84 |
Quantitative Research on the Influence of Urbanization of Land Types on Evapotranspiration in Arid Areas. |
Tong Shanlin(学) |
Xiaotao Hu* |
National Academy science letters, 2020.8. //doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-00997-x |
85 |
(2020). Energy loss analysis of the double-suction centrifugal pump under different flow rates based on entropy production theory. |
Guan Hongyu(学) |
Jiang Wei* |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234(20):4009-23. |
86 |
(2020). Effect of vaned diffuser clocking position on hydraulic performance and pressure pulsation of centrifugal pump. |
Guan Hongyu(学) |
Jiang Wei* |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.doi.org/10.1177/095765092096724 |
87 |
Integrated Modeling of Water Supply and Demand Under Climate Change Impacts and Management Options in Tributary Basin of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia[J]. |
Touch Tharo(学) |
Oeurng Chantha*, Jiang Yanan* |
Water,2020,12(9):2462 |
88 |
Effects of Sunshine Hours and Daily Maximum Temperature Declines and Cultivar Replacements on Maize Growth and Yields. |
Song Libing (学) |
Jin Jiming* |
Agronomy, (2020).10, 1862. |
89 |
Analysis of Streamflow Complexity Based on Entropies in the Weihe River Basin, |
Weijie Ma(学 |
Yan Kang* |
China. Entropy, 2020, 22(1): 38. |
90 |
Coupling effect of nodal deviation and member imperfection on load-carrying capacity of single-layer reticulated shell. |
Hui-jun Li* |
Hui-jun Li* |
International Journal of Steel Structures, (2020).20(3):919-930. |
91 |
Effect of joint stiffness and size on stability of three-way single-layer cylindrical reticular shell. |
Hui-jun Li* |
Hui-jun Li* |
International Journal of Space Structures,(2020). 35(3):90-107. |
92 |
Stability of cable-supported spherical reticulated shell with tension members. |
Zhen Lu(学 |
Hui-jun Li* |
International Journal of Space Structures, (2020). 35(3):69-79. |
93 |
Analytical prediction of optimal split ratio for short-time duty PM brushless DC motors considering winding thermal limitation. |
Quanwu Li |
Wei Dong* |
IETE Journal of Research, 2020(2):1-12. |
94 |
Design Optimization of Dual-Redundancy PM Brushless DC Motors for Torque Enhancement. |
Li Ting* |
Li Ting* |
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020.16(1):147-160. |
95 |
A Theoretical Method for Evaluating the Lubrication Performance of the Meshing Pair Profiles in Water Flooded Single Screw Compressors Based on the Micro Deflecting Motion Trajectory. |
Li Ting* |
Li Ting* |
Applied Sciences-Basel, (2020).10(15):5244. |
96 |
Development and Experimental Study of the First Stage in a Two-Stage Water-Flooded Single-Screw Compressor Unit for Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottle Blowing System. |
Li Ting* |
Li Ting* |
Energies, (2020).13(16):4232. |
97 |
Drought evolution indicated by meteorological and remote-sensing drought indices under different land cover types in China. |
Tehseen Javed (学) |
Yi Li* |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020,27(4), 4258-4274 |
98 |
Trends, change points and spatial variability of extreme precipitation events during 1961-2017 in China. |
Linchao Li(学) |
Yi Li*, |
Hydrology Research, 2020, 51(3): 484-504 |
99 |
The spatiotemporal variations of soil water content and temperature affected by precipitation at the daily, monthly and annual timescales in China. |
Xinguo Chen(学) |
Yi Li*, |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020,140(1):429-451 |
100 |
Monitoring monthly soil moisture conditions in China with temperature vegetation dryness indexes based on an enhanced vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index. |
Huichao Zhao(学) |
Yi Li*, |
Theoretical and Applied Meteorology, 2021, 143,159-176 |
101 |
Monitoring responses of vegetation phenology and productivity to extreme climatic conditions using remote sensing across different sub-regions of China. |
Tehseen Javed(学) |
Yi Li*, |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020 |
102 |
Effects of Travel Speed and Collector on Evaluation of the Water Application Uniformity of a Center Pivot Irrigation System. |
Yongchong Li |
Haijun Yan * |
Water,(2020). 12(7):1916. |
103 |
Estimation of soil salt content by combining UAV-borne multispectral sensor and machine learning algorithms |
Guangfei Wei(学) |
Yu Li * |
Peer J, Published 28 April 2020, 8:e9087 |
104 |
Effect of Different Humidity-ControllingModes on Microstructure and Compressive Behavior of Ordinary Concrete, |
Xiangqin Du |
Zongli Li* |
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,, 2020, 32(1): 04019337 |
105 |
The optimum design criteria for on-demand pressurized microirrigation network systems: optimizing subunits with paired laterals based on the maximum size. |
Ma Penghui(学) |
Liu Hansheng* |
Water Resources Management,(2020).(34):3237-3255. |
106 |
Simultaneous optimization of the pressurized independent micro-irrigation network system based on genetic algorithm. |
Ma Penghui(学) |
Liu Hansheng* |
Taiwan Water Conservancy, (2020).68(1):1-19. |
107 |
m7GPredictor: An improved machine learning-based model for predicting internal m7G modifications using sequence properties. |
Xudong Liu(学) |
Ze Liu* |
Analytical Biochemistry,(2020). 609:113905. |
108 |
Numerical simulation of frost heave of concrete lining trapezoidal channel under an open system[J]. |
Tengfei Mo(学) |
Zongke Lou*. |
Water 2020, 12, 2,335 |
109 |
Optimization of sowing date, irrigation, and nitrogen management of summer maize using the dssat-ceres-maize model in the guanzhong plain, china. |
Shen Hongzheng(学) |
Xing Xuguang and Ma Xiaoyi*. |
Transactions of the ASABE.(2020). 63(4): 789-797. |
110 |
Evaluation of the potential effects of drought on summer maize yield in the western guanzhong plain, china. |
Shen Hongzheng(学) |
Xing Xuguang and Ma Xiaoyi*. |
Agronomy-Basel. (2020).10(8), 1095. |
111 |
Artificial neural network approach for evapotranspiration downscaling based on remote sensing. |
Long Zhao(老师), |
Xiaoyi Ma* |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (2020)29(04):2041-2054 |
112 |
Land cover classification based on daily normalized difference vegetation index time series from multitemporal remotely sensed data. |
Long Zhao(老师), |
Xiaoyi Ma* |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (2020)29(04):2029-2040. |
113 |
Comprehensive Evaluation on Soil Properties and Artemisia ordosica Growth under Combined Application of Fly Ash and Polyacrylamide in North China[J]. |
Jiping Niu |
Xiaoling Su* |
Entropy, 2020, 22(2):148. |
114 |
Mechanical properties of bonded few-layered graphene via uniaxial test: A molecular dynamics simulation study. |
Shi J |
Cai K*, |
Computational Materials Science, 2020, 172:109295. |
115 |
Stable rotation transmission of a CNT-based nanogear drive system with intersecting axes at low temperature. |
Shi J |
Cai K*, |
Surface Science, 2020, 693:121548. |
116 |
(2020). Deficit and recovery of deep soil water following a full cycle of afforestation and deforestation of apple trees on the Loess Plateau, |
Zhiqiang Zhang(学) |
Bingcheng Si*, Min Li* |
China. Water, 12, 989. |
117 |
Groundwater Depth Forecasting Using Configurational Entropy Spectral Analyses with the Optimal Input. |
Guo, T(学) |
Song, S*. |
Groundwater, 58(5): 749-758. |
118 |
Development of a new integrated hydrological drought index (SRGI) and its application in the Heihe River Basin, China. |
Fengkai |
Su Xiaoling* |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology,(2020).141(1-2):43-59. |
119 |
Modelling groundwater-dependent vegetation index using Entropy theory. |
Zhang Gengxi |
Su Xiaoling* |
Ecological modelling, (2020) .416:108916. |
120 |
Fractional-order finite-Time, Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear hydraulic-turbine-governing systems with an actuator fault. |
Yang Ying(学) |
Wang Bin* |
Energies,(2020).13(15), 3812. |
121 |
Design of a finite-time terminal sliding mode controller for a nonlinear hydro-turbine governing system. |
Yang Tianyu(学) |
Wang Bin* |
Energies, (2020). 13(3):634. |
122 |
Design of a nonlinear predictive controller for a fractional-order hydraulic turbine governing system with mechanical time delay. |
Yang Tianyu(学) |
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