
百家乐路子» 科学研究» 发表论文» 2020年度百家乐路子 发表SCI、EI检索部分论文列表

2020年度百家乐路子 发表SCI、EI检索部分论文列表

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2022-02-28     浏览次数:









Modelling future climate change impacts on winter wheat yield and water use: A case study in Guanzhong Plain, northwestern China.

Saddique Qaisar

Cai Huanjie*

European Journal of Agronomy,(2020).119:126113.


Evapotranspiration partitioning and crop coefficient of maize in dry semi-humid climate regime.

Wang Yunfei(学)

Cai Huanjie*

Agricultural Water Management,(2020).236:106164.


(2021).Adaptation of winter wheat varieties and irrigation patterns under future climate change conditions in Northern China.

Wang Xiaowen (学)

Cai Huanjie*

Agricultural Water Management, 243:106409.


(2021)Deficit irrigation improves maize yield and water use efficiency in a semi-arid environment.

Zou Yufeng(学)

Cai Huanjie*

Agricultural Water Management, 243:106483.


(2021) The physiological response of winter wheat under short-term drought conditions and the sensitivity of different indices to soil water changes.

Mu Qing (学)

Cai Huanjie*

Agricultural Water Management, 243:106475.


Spatial and temporal effects of drought on Chinese vegetation under different coverage levels.

Ding Yibo(学)

Xu Jiatun*, Cai Huanjie*

Science of the Total Environment,(2020).716:137166.


Winter wheat production on the Guanzhong Plain of Northwest China under projected future climate with SimCLIM.

Zheng Zhen

Cai Huanjie*

Agricultural Water Management,(2020).239:106233.


Exploring optimal irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system for improving crop yield and reducing water and nitrogen leaching.

Xu Jiatun(学)

Cai Huanjie*

Agricultural Water Management,(2020).228:105904.


Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization management on crop yields and long-term dynamic characteristics of water and nitrogen transport at deep soil depths.

Xu Jiatun(学)

Cai Huanjie*

Soil & Tillage Research,(2020).198:104536.


Analysis and prediction of vegetation dynamic changes in China: Past, present and future.

Zhou Zhaoqiang(学)

Shi Haiyun*, Cai Huanjie*.

Ecological Indicators,(2020).117:106642.


Effects of the combination of mulching and deficit irrigation on the soil water and heat, growth and productivity of apples.



Agricultural Water Management. (2021).  243. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106482


A Sequential Structure for Water Inflow Forecasting in Coal Mines Integrating Feature Selection and Multi-Objective Optimization.

Chen, S.

Chen, S.

IEEE Access,(2020). 8, 183619-183632.


(2020). Utilizing comprehensive decision analysis methods to determine an optimal planting pattern and nitrogen application for winter oilseed rape.

Du Yadan

Niu Wenquan*

Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(9):2229-2238.


(2020). Effects of manure fertilizer on crop yield and soil properties in China: A meta-analysis.

Du Yadan

Niu Wenquan*

Catena, 193: 104617.


(2020). Aerated irrigation improves tomato yield and nitrogen use efficiency while reducing nitrogen application rate.

Du Yadan

Niu Wenquan*

Agricultural Water Management, 235: 106152.


(2020). Modification of CSM-CROPGRO-Cotton model for simulating cotton growth and yield under various deficit irrigation strategies.

Li, M(学)

Du, Y*

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 179, 105843.


Comparisons of spray characteristics between vertical impact and turbine drive sprinklers—A case study of the 50PYC and HY50 big gun-type sprinklers.

Ge Maosheng

Zhu Delan*

Agricultural Water Management,(2020). 228:105847.


Optimized configuration of a hose reel traveling irrigator.

Ge Maosheng

Wu Pute*

Agricultural Water Management, (2020).240:106302.


An optimized model for simulating grain-filling of maize and regulating nitrogen application rates under different film mulching and nitrogen fertilizer regimes on the Loess Plateau, China.

Fang Heng (学)

Gu Xiaobo*

Soil & Tillage Research, (2020).199: 104546.


Estimating crop genetic parameters for DSSAT with modified PEST software.

Ma, H.(学)

Yu, Q. and He, J. *

European Journal of Agronomy, 2020. 115: 126017.


System performance analysis of a hybrid ground source heat pump with optimal control strategies based on numerical simulations.

Gaoyang Hou

Hessam Taherian*

Geothermics,(2020). 86:101849


Combining plant height, canopy coverage and vegetation index from UAV-based RGB images to estimate leaf nitrogen concentration of summer maize

Junsheng Lu(学)

Tiantian Hu

Biosystems Engineering,202:42-54


Biomass accumulation and distribution, yield formation and water use efficiency responses of maize (Zea mays L.) to nitrogen supply methods under partial root-zone irrigation.

Qi Dongliang(学)

Hu Tiantian*

Agricultural WaterManagement, 2020. 230, 105981


Numerical simulation and experimental investigation on the influence of the clocking effect on the hydraulic performance of the centrifugal pump as turbine.

Guan Hongyu(学)

Jiang Wei*

Renewable Energy, (2020).  168:21-30.


Modeling the effects of lakes in the Tibetan Plateau on diurnal variations of regional climate and their seasonality.

Zhu Lingjing

Jin Jiming*

Journal of Hydrometeorology, (2020). 21(11): 2523-2536.


Effect of high temperature on morphologies of fibers and mechanical properties of multi-scale fiber reinforced cement-based composites.

Li Li

Danying Gao*, Mingli Cao*

Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 261, 120487.


Projections of drought characteristics in China based on a standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index and multiple GCMs.

Ning Yao(学)

Xiaotao Hu*, Yi Li*.

Science of the Total Environment. 2020,704:135245


Spatiotemporal variability of standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index in mainland China over 1961–2016.

Mengjie Wu(学)

Yi Li*

International Journal of Climatology, 2020, 1–19


Similarity and difference of potential evapotranspiration and reference crop evapotranspiration-a review.

Keyu Xiang(学),

Yi Li*

Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 232: 106043


Impact of climate change on cotton growth and yields in Xinjiang,

Na Li(学)

Yi Li*

China. Field Crops Research, 2020, 247: 107590


Effects of CO2 fertilization on tomato fruit quality under reduced irrigation.

Xin Yang(学)

Fulai Liu*

Agricultural Water Management,(2020). 230:105985.


Investigation on optimization of self-adaptive closure law for load rejection to a reversible pump turbine based on CFD[J].

Xiuli Mao*

Xiuli Mao*

Journal of cleaner production.//doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124739


Analytical solution for consolidation of combined composite foundation reinforced with penetrated impermeable columns and partially penetrated permeable stone columns.

Yu, C(学)

Zhang, A. & Ren, W.

Computers and Geotechnics, (2020). 124, 103606.


A GHz rotary nanoflake driven by diamond needles: A molecular dynamics study.

Shi J*

Shi J*, Cai K*.

Materials & Design, 2020, 191:108593.


Calibration method affects the measured δ2H and δ18O in soil water by direct H2Oliquid–H2Ovapour equilibration with laser spectroscopy.

Hongxiu Wang(学)

Bingcheng Si*

Hydrological Processes,  (2020). 34: 506-516.


Using hydrological modelling and data-driven approaches to quantify mining activities impacts on centennial streamflow

Song Xiaoyan

Zhang Yongqiang*

Journal of Hydrology, 124764


Determinants of Agricultural Water Demand in China.



Journal of Cleaner Production


Estimation of high spatiotemporal resolution actual evapotranspiration by combining the SWH model with the METRIC, model.

Zhao Jinfeng#(学)

Sun Shikun*

Journal of Hydrology, (2020).586:124883


Review on research status of virtual water: the perspective of accounting methods, impact assessment and limitations

Sun Jingxin#(学)

Sun Shikun*

Agricultural Water Management,(2020) 239, 106175


The competitive relationship between food and energy production for water in China.

滑恩En Hua(学)

Yubao Wang*,

Journal of Cleaner Production,2020. 247, 119103


New challenges of food security in Northwest China: Water footprint and virtual water perspective.

刘显Xian Liu(学)

Yubao Wang*,

Journal of Cleaner Production,2020. 245, 1-14


Transversely isotropic frost heave modeling with heat moisture deformation coupling[J].

Liu Q H(学)

Wang Z Z*

Acta Geotech, 2020, 15(5): 1273-1287.


Can soil conservation practices reshape the relationship between sediment yield and slope gradient?

Wu Lei*

Wu Lei*

Ecological Engineering,2020. 142, 105630.


Is the correlation between hydro-environmental variables consistent with their own time variability degrees in a large-scale loessial watershed?

Wu Lei

Ma Xiaoyi*

Science of the Total Environment. 2020. 722, 137737.


Effects of particulate fractions on critical slope and critical rainfall intensity for runoff phosphorus from bare loessial soil.

Wu Lei

Wu Lei*

Catena, (2021). 196, 104935.


Spatial-temporal distribution of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and water use efficiency under ridge–furrow dual mulching,

Yajin Hu

Shufang Wu *, Benhua Sun **

Agricultural Water Management,(2020). 240:10-21


Black plastic film combined with straw mulching delays senescence and increases summer maize yield in northwest China,

Yajin Hu

Shufang Wu *

Agricultural Water Management, (2020).231:1-11


Alternating wide ridges and narrow furrows with film mulching improves soil hydrothermal conditions and maize water use efficiency in dry sub-humid regions,

Chenxiao Duan(学)

Shufang Wu *

Agricultural Water Management (2021) DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106559


Multi-objective short-term hydropower generation operation for cascade reservoirs and stochastic decision making under multiple uncertainties.

Zhe Yang,

Kan Yang*

Journal of Cleaner Production, 276: 122995.


Combined application of soluble organic and chemical fertilizers in drip fertigation improves nitrogen use efficiency and enhances tomato yield and quality.

Wu You(学)

Yan Shicheng and Zhang Fucang*.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, (2020).100,15: 5422-5433.


Dynamic change and accumulation of grain macronutrient (N, P and K) concentrations in winter wheat under different drip fertigation regimes.

Yan Shicheng(学)

Wu You and Zhang Fucang*.

Field Crops Research,(2020). 250:107767.


A sustainable strategy of managing irrigation based on water productivity and residual soil nitrate in a no-tillage maize system.

Yan Shicheng(学)

Wu You and Zhang Fucang*.

Journal of Cleaner Production,(2020). 262:121279.


Experimental study of steady seepage in unsaturated loess soil.

Tian Kanliang

Zhang Huili*

Acta Geotechnica,15(9):2681-2689


Improvements to solutions for normal depth in multiple sections of tunnels [J].

Haixin Shang(学)

Zhang Kuandi*

Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 73 (2020) 101723 DOI:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101723


Hydrodynamic characteristics and evolution law of roll waves in overland flow [J].

Jingwen Wang(学)

Zhang Kuandi*

Catena.. 198(2021)105068 DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2020.105068


Response of interrill erosion to flow parameters of sand loess in regions with high and coarse sediment yields [J].

Li Pu(学)

Zhang Kuandi*

Journal of Hydrology.(2020).  592:125786 DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125786


Effect of varying wheatgrass density on resistance to overland flow [J].

Shang Haixin(学)

Zhang Kuandi*

Journal of Hydrology. 591 (2020) 125594 DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125594


Transient safety assessment and risk mitigation of a hydroelectric generation system.

Li Huanhuan(学)

Chen Diyi*

Energy,(2020). 196: 117-135.


Dynamic maintenance planning of a hydro-turbine in operational life cycle.

Ruopu Li(学)

Chen Diyi*

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 204. (IF:5.156,1区)


Performance analysis of pumped-storage plant from condenser mode to generating process.

Zhao Ziwen(学)

Chen Diyi*

Journal of Energy Storage,Volume 29,2020.


Estimating Soil Water Content and Evapotranspiration of Winter Wheat under Deficit Irrigation Based on SWAP Model.

Wang Xiaowen(学)

Cai Huanjie*

Sustainability,(2020). 12(22):9451.


Aerated Irrigation of Different Irrigation Levels and Subsurface Dripper Depths Affects Fruit Yield, Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Greenhouse Tomato.

Zhu Yan(学)

Cai Huanjie*



Modelling root water uptake under deficit irrigation and rewetting in Northwest China.

Wang Xiaowen(学)

Cai Huanjie*

Agronomy Journal,(2020).112(1):158-174.


Effects of Elevated Air Temperature and CO(2)on Maize Production and Water Use Efficiency under Future Climate Change Scenarios in Shaanxi Province, China.

Saddique Qaisar

Cai Huanjie*



Analyzing adaptation strategies for maize production under future climate change in Guanzhong Plain, China.

Saddique Qaisar

Cai Huanjie*

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,(2020). DOI:10.1007/S11027-020-09935-0.


Simulation of Climate Change Impacts on Phenology and Production of Winter Wheat in Northwestern China Using CERES-Wheat Model.

Zheng Zhen

Cai Huanjie*



Nitrogen Nutrition Diagnosis Based on Critical Nitrogen Model and SPAD Value of Different Leaf Positions in Greenhouse Tomato.

Shi Xiaohu

Cai Huanjie*

International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,(2020).24(4):891-899.


Grapev ine sap flow in response to physio-environmental factors under solar greenhouse conditions.

Wei Xinguang

Chen Dianyu*

Water, (2020). 12(11):


Determining the water quality index of treated waste water for repellent and wettable sandy loam based on infiltration characteristics[J].

ZHAO Xiao(学)#

CHEN Junying*

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020,18(2)3577-3592


Retrieval of cotton plant water content by UAV-based vegetation supply water index (VSWI)[J].

CHEN Shuobo(学)

CHEN Junying*

International Journal of Remote sensing. (2020). VOL. 41, NO. 11, 4389–4407


A compound approach for monthly runoff forecasting based on multiscale analysis and deep network with sequential structure.

Chen, S.

Chen, S.

Water, (2020). 12(8), 2274.


Numerical analysis of the flow mechanism and axial force characteristics of the cavity in a centrifugal pump with a front inducer.

Zhang Haichen(学)

Dong Wei*

Journal of Vibroengineering,(2020).  22(5): 1210-1227.


An Improved Thermal Conductivity Model for Unsaturated Clay

Song, XY (学)

Fan, HH*

.KSCE journal of civil engineering,24(8) : 2364-2371.


Characteristics of Shear Strength and Deformation of Compacted Q3 Loess.

Jia-Wei, L (Jia-Wei, Liu,学)

F (Heng-Hui, Fan)*

Soil mechanics and foundation engineering, 57(1) : 65-72.


(2020). Effect of plastic film residue on vertical infiltration under different initial soil moisture contents and dry bulk densities.

Cao Junhao (学)

Gu Xiaobo*, Li Yuannong*.

Water, 12(5): 1346.


Optimization method for a lap-assembled parabolic concrete channel structure

Chenglin Peng(学)

He, Wuquan*

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ,(2020).  146(6): 04020011(1-11)


Research on the Comprehensive Optimization of the Hydraulic Performance and Frost-Heaving Resistance of a Parabolic Channel.

Yang, Zhuo(学)

He, Wuquan*



Model optimization and parameter sensitivity analysis of a parabolic composite section open channel.

Li, Gang(学)

He, Wuquan*

IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE,(2020). 11,DOI: 10.1002/ird.2543(1-12)


Experimental study on unconsolidated undrained shear strength characteristics of synthetic cotton fiber reinforced soil[J].

Jian-long Liu(学)

Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)*

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 1773-1783. (EI)


Study on the dynamic constitutive relationship of EPS particles light weight soil based on Hardin-Drnevich model[J].

Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)

Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)*

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 1785-1798. (EI)


Water stability of light weight soil amended with expanded polystyrene beads[J].

Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)

Tian-shun Hou (侯天顺)*

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 2539-2550. (EI)


Rapid estimation of leaf nitrogen content in apple-trees based on canopy hyperspectral reflectance using multivariate methods.

Chen Shaomin(学)

Hu Tiantian*

Infrared Physics & Technology,111 doi.org/10.1016/j.infrared.2020.103542


Evaluation of the Crop Water Stress Index as an Indicator for the Diagnosis of Grapevine Water Deficiency in Greenhouses.

Chen Ru(学)

Xiaotao Hu*

Horticulturae 2020, 6, 86


Quantitative Research on the Influence of Urbanization of Land Types on Evapotranspiration in Arid Areas.

Tong Shanlin(学)

Xiaotao Hu*

National Academy science letters, 2020.8. //doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-00997-x


(2020). Energy loss analysis of the double-suction centrifugal pump under different flow rates based on entropy production theory.

Guan Hongyu(学)

Jiang Wei*

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234(20):4009-23.


(2020). Effect of vaned diffuser clocking position on hydraulic performance and pressure pulsation of centrifugal pump.

Guan Hongyu(学)

Jiang Wei*

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.doi.org/10.1177/095765092096724


Integrated Modeling of Water Supply and Demand Under Climate Change Impacts and Management Options in Tributary Basin of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia[J].

Touch Tharo(学)

Oeurng Chantha*, Jiang Yanan*



Effects of Sunshine Hours and Daily Maximum Temperature Declines and Cultivar Replacements on Maize Growth and Yields.

Song Libing (学)

Jin Jiming*

Agronomy, (2020).10, 1862.


Analysis of Streamflow Complexity Based on Entropies in the Weihe River Basin,

Weijie Ma(学

Yan Kang*

China. Entropy, 2020, 22(1): 38.


Coupling effect of nodal deviation and member imperfection on load-carrying capacity of single-layer reticulated shell.

Hui-jun Li*

Hui-jun Li*

International Journal of Steel Structures, (2020).20(3):919-930.


Effect of joint stiffness and size on stability of three-way single-layer cylindrical reticular shell.

Hui-jun Li*

Hui-jun Li*

International Journal of Space Structures,(2020).  35(3):90-107.


Stability of cable-supported spherical reticulated shell with tension members.

Zhen Lu(学

Hui-jun Li*

International Journal of Space Structures, (2020). 35(3):69-79.


Analytical prediction of optimal split ratio for short-time duty PM brushless DC motors considering winding thermal limitation.

Quanwu Li

Wei Dong*

IETE Journal of Research, 2020(2):1-12.


Design Optimization of Dual-Redundancy PM Brushless DC Motors for Torque Enhancement.

Li Ting*

Li Ting*

IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020.16(1):147-160.


A Theoretical Method for Evaluating the Lubrication Performance of the Meshing Pair Profiles in Water Flooded Single Screw Compressors Based on the Micro Deflecting Motion Trajectory.

Li Ting*

Li Ting*

Applied Sciences-Basel, (2020).10(15):5244.


Development and Experimental Study of the First Stage in a Two-Stage Water-Flooded Single-Screw Compressor Unit for Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottle Blowing System.

Li Ting*

Li Ting*

Energies, (2020).13(16):4232.


Drought evolution indicated by meteorological and remote-sensing drought indices under different land cover types in China.

Tehseen Javed (学)

Yi Li*

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020,27(4), 4258-4274


Trends, change points and spatial variability of extreme precipitation events during 1961-2017 in China.

Linchao Li(学)

Yi Li*,

Hydrology Research, 2020, 51(3): 484-504


The spatiotemporal variations of soil water content and temperature affected by precipitation at the daily, monthly and annual timescales in China.

Xinguo Chen(学)

Yi Li*,

Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020,140(1):429-451


Monitoring monthly soil moisture conditions in China with temperature vegetation dryness indexes based on an enhanced vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index.

Huichao Zhao(学)

Yi Li*,

Theoretical and Applied Meteorology, 2021, 143,159-176


Monitoring responses of vegetation phenology and productivity to extreme climatic conditions using remote sensing across different sub-regions of China.

Tehseen Javed(学)

Yi Li*,

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020


Effects of Travel Speed and Collector on Evaluation of the Water Application Uniformity of a Center Pivot Irrigation System.

Yongchong Li

Haijun Yan *

Water,(2020). 12(7):1916.


Estimation of soil salt content by combining UAV-borne multispectral sensor and machine learning algorithms

Guangfei Wei(学)

Yu Li *

Peer J, Published 28 April 2020, 8:e9087


Effect of Different Humidity-ControllingModes on Microstructure and Compressive Behavior of Ordinary Concrete,

Xiangqin Du

Zongli Li*

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,, 2020, 32(1): 04019337


The optimum design criteria for on-demand pressurized microirrigation network systems: optimizing subunits with paired laterals based on the maximum size.

Ma Penghui(学)

Liu Hansheng*

Water Resources Management,(2020).(34):3237-3255.


Simultaneous optimization of the pressurized independent micro-irrigation network system based on genetic algorithm.

Ma Penghui(学)

Liu Hansheng*

Taiwan Water Conservancy, (2020).68(1):1-19.


m7GPredictor: An improved machine learning-based model for predicting internal m7G modifications using sequence properties.

Xudong Liu(学)

Ze Liu*

Analytical Biochemistry,(2020). 609:113905.


Numerical simulation of frost heave of concrete lining trapezoidal channel under an open system[J].

Tengfei Mo(学)

Zongke Lou*.

Water 2020, 12, 2,335


Optimization of sowing date, irrigation, and nitrogen management of summer maize using the dssat-ceres-maize model in the guanzhong plain, china.

Shen Hongzheng(学)

Xing Xuguang and Ma Xiaoyi*.

Transactions of the ASABE.(2020). 63(4): 789-797.


Evaluation of the potential effects of drought on summer maize yield in the western guanzhong plain, china.

Shen Hongzheng(学)

Xing Xuguang and Ma Xiaoyi*.

Agronomy-Basel. (2020).10(8), 1095.


Artificial neural network approach for evapotranspiration downscaling based on remote sensing.

Long Zhao(老师),

Xiaoyi Ma*

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (2020)29(04):2041-2054


Land cover classification based on daily normalized difference vegetation index time series from multitemporal remotely sensed data.

Long Zhao(老师),

Xiaoyi Ma*

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (2020)29(04):2029-2040.


Comprehensive Evaluation on Soil Properties and Artemisia ordosica Growth under Combined Application of Fly Ash and Polyacrylamide in North China[J].

Jiping Niu

Xiaoling Su*

Entropy, 2020, 22(2):148.


Mechanical properties of bonded few-layered graphene via uniaxial test: A molecular dynamics simulation study.

Shi J

Cai K*,

Computational Materials Science, 2020, 172:109295.


Stable rotation transmission of a CNT-based nanogear drive system with intersecting axes at low temperature.

Shi J

Cai K*,

Surface Science, 2020, 693:121548.


(2020). Deficit and recovery of deep soil water following a full cycle of afforestation and deforestation of apple trees on the Loess Plateau,

Zhiqiang Zhang(学)

Bingcheng Si*, Min Li*

China. Water, 12, 989.


Groundwater Depth Forecasting Using Configurational Entropy Spectral Analyses with the Optimal Input.

Guo, T(学)

Song, S*.

Groundwater, 58(5): 749-758.


Development of a new integrated hydrological drought index (SRGI) and its application in the Heihe River Basin, China.


Su Xiaoling*

Theoretical and Applied Climatology,(2020).141(1-2):43-59.


Modelling groundwater-dependent vegetation index using Entropy theory.

Zhang Gengxi

Su Xiaoling*

Ecological modelling, (2020) .416:108916.


Fractional-order finite-Time, Fault-tolerant control of nonlinear hydraulic-turbine-governing systems with an actuator fault.

Yang Ying(学)

Wang Bin*

Energies,(2020).13(15), 3812.


Design of a finite-time terminal sliding mode controller for a nonlinear hydro-turbine governing system.

Yang Tianyu(学)

Wang Bin*

Energies,  (2020). 13(3):634.


Design of a nonlinear predictive controller for a fractional-order hydraulic turbine governing system with mechanical time delay.

Yang Tianyu(学)

Wang Bin*, Diyi Chen*

Energies,(2020).  12(24):4727.


A state estimator based nonlinear predictive control for a fractional-order Francis hydraulic turbine governing system.

Tian Yuqiang(学),

Wang Bin*,

Journal of Vibration and Control, 26(11-12):1068-1080.


Open-channel landslide hazard assessment based on AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.

Xi Wang(学)

Shuangyin Wang*

wanter science and technology-water supply. (2020). 20 (8): 3687–3696.//doi.org/10.2166/ws.2020.176


Temporal and spatial evolution trends of drought in northern Shaanxi of China: 1960–2100.

王小允Xiaoyun Wang(学)

王玉宝Yubao Wang*

Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020,139,3-4:965-979


Influence of the structure of cylindrical mobile flumes on hydraulic performance characteristics in U-shaped channels.

李鑫Xin Li(学)


Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2020. (72), 101708: 1-10.


Dynamic Stability of Simply Supported Beams With Multi-Harmonic Parametric Excitation[J].

Xu Chao(学)

Wang Zhengzhong*

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2020: 2150027.


Form-finding and shape optimization of bio-inspired branching structures based on graphic statics[J].

Xu Chao(学)

Wang Zhengzhong*

Structures, 2020: doi:10.1016/j.instruc.2020.11.028


Using five long time series hydrometeorological data to calibrate a dynamic sediment delivery ratio algorithm for multi-scale sediment yield predictions.

Wu Lei

Ma Xiaoyi*

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020. 27:16377–16392.


(2020). Paralinear oxidation of Cr-Si-C coated C/SiC at 1300ºC in wet and dry air environments.

Shoujun Wu*

Shoujun Wu*

JOM, 72: 361–367.


(2020). Preparation of zirconium carbide-zirconium silicide composite powders by solid reaction of Zr and SiC powders.

Yingxin Chen

Shoujun Wu*

Materials Science, 26(3): 348-351


Development of rill erosion and its simulation with Cellular Automata-Rill model in Chinese Loess Plateau,

Liquan Sun(学)

Shufang Wu*

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.(2020) DOI:10.1018/03650340.2020.1856819


A modified physical-based water-retention model for continuous soil moisture estimation during infiltration: experiments on saline and non-saline soils.

Liang Jiaping(学)

Xing Xuguang*

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, (2020). 66 (10): 1344-1357.


Groundwater evaporation for salt-affected soil under plastic film-covered cultivated condition: a review.

Wang Weihua

Xing Xuguang*

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 20 (3): 1229-1237.


Tension Strength Prediction of Transverse Branch Plate-to- Rectangular Joint with Concrete Filling.

Zhihua Xiong

Zhihua Xiong

(2020). Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 14(54):146-162


Effect of Biochar Application on Physic-chemical and Hydraulic Properties of Loess[J].

Xiujuan YANG

Xiujuan YANG

Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2020, Article ID 4592092, //doi.org/10.1155/2020/4592092


Effect of selection of combined observations on cycle-slip repair success rate for BDS triple-frequency signals

Yao, Y. F.

Yao, Y. F.*, Wang Shuang*

Advances in space research, 2020, 66(12): 2914-2925.


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