


来源:   作者:   发布日期:2024-09-19     浏览次数:

















[1] 作物水肥调控理论与技术

[2] 农业水土环境







[1] 国家“十三五”重点研发计划项目课题“果树水肥一体化技术模式研究与应用”(2017YFD0201508), 2017/07-2020/12,主持;

[2] 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费课题“河谷平原多熟区小麦玉米水肥高效利用技术及应用”(201503124),2015/07-2019/12,主持;

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“番茄优质高效的水钾耦合响应机制与灌水施钾模式研究”(51279169),2013/01-2016/12,主持;

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“局部灌水施氮条件下作物根系补偿作用与水氮高效利用的机制研究”(51079124),2010/01-2013/12,主持。


在《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Agricultural Water Management》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《农业工程学报》、《中国农业科学》等期刊发表论文百余篇;其中,第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文33篇(中科院1区12篇、Top期刊6篇;ESI前1%高被引论文3篇)、EI论文14篇;共同通讯作者SCI论文3篇(中科院1区2篇);参编专著2部。


[1]Guangzhao Sun, Shuaihong Chen, Shaowu Zhang, Shaomin Chen, Jie Liu*, Qiong He, Tiantian Hu*, Fucang Zhang, 2024. Responses of leaf nitrogen status and leaf area index to water and nitrogen application and their relationship with apple orchard productivity. Agricultural Water Management,296,108810.

[2]Shuaihong Chen, Shaowu Zhang, Hui Li, Tiantian Hu*, Guangzhao Sun, Xiaolu Cui, Jie Liu, 2024. Optimizing irrigation and nitrogen management improves soil soluble nitrogen pools and reduces nitrate residues in a drip-fertigated apple orchard on the Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management, 295, 108770.

[3]Guangzhao Sun, Tiantian Hu*, Shuaihong Chen, Jianxi Sun, Jun Zhang, Ruirui Ye, Shaowu Zhang, Jie Liu, 2023. Using UAV-Based multispectral remote sensing imagery combined with DRIS method to diagnose leaf nitrogen nutrition status in a fertigated apple orchard. Precision Agriculture.

[4]Chen Shuaihong, Zhang Shaowu, Hu Tiantian*, Li Hui, Sun Jianxi, Sun Guangzhao, Liu Jie, 2023. Responses of soil reactive nitrogen pools and enzyme activities to water and nitrogen levels and their relationship with apple yield and quality under drip fertigation. Scientia Horticulturae, 324, 112632.

[5]Liu Jie*, Li, Hui, Yuan, Zhenyu, Feng, Jiajia, Chen, Shuaihong, Sun, Guangzhao, Wei, Zhenhua, Hu, Tiantian*, 2023. Effects of microbial fertilizer and irrigation amount on growth, physiology and water use efficiency of tomato in greenhouse. Scientia Horticulturae, 323, 112553.

[6]Shaowu Zhang, Shuaihong Chen, Tiantian Hu*, Chenming Geng, Liu Jie. 2023. Optimization of irrigation and nitrogen levels for a trade-off: yield, quality, water use efficiency and environment effect in a drip-fertigated apple orchard based on TOPSIS method. Scientia Horticulturae,309, 111700.

[7]Shaowu Zhang, Tiantian Hu*, Shuaihong Chen, Ruirui Ye, Jinghang Chen, Chenming Geng. 2023. Responses of Root Physiology and Yield of Apple Tree to Water and Nitrogen Amounts under Drip Fertigation. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. DOI:10.1007/s00344-022- 10745-8.

[8]Junsheng Lu, Lihui Ma, Tiantian Hu*. Chenming Geng, shicheng Yan. 2022.Deficit drip irrigation based on crop evapotranspiration and precipitation forecast improves water- use efficiency and grain yield of summer maize.Journal of the science of food and agriculture.102 (2):653-663.

[9]Shaomin Chen, Tiantian Hu*, Lihua Luo, Qiong He, Shaowu Zhang. 2022.Prediction of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Contents in Apple Tree Leaves Based on In-Situ Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance Using Stacked Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine Model. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition.22:10-24

[10]Liu Jie, Hu Tiantian*, Feng Puyu, Yao Delong, Gao Fan, Hong Xia. 2021. Effect of potassium fertilization during fruit development on tomato quality, potassium uptake, water and potassium use efficiency under deficit irrigation regime. Agricultural Water Management. 250(7),106831.

[11]Lu Junsheng, Hu Tiantian*, Zhang Baocheng, Wang Li, Shuohuan Yang, Fan Junliang, Yan Shicheng, Zhang Fucang. 2021. Nitrogen fertilizer management effects on soil nitrate leaching, grain yield and economic benefit of summer maize in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management. 247,106739.

[12]Lu Junsheng, Cheng Dongling, Geng Chenming, Zhang Zhitao, Xiang Youzhen , Hu Tiantian*. 2021. Combining plant height, canopy coverage and vegetation index from UAV-based images to estimate leaf nitrogen concentration of summer maize. Biosystem Engineering. 202, 42-45.

[13]Chen Shaomin, Ma Lihui, Hu Tiantian*, Luo Lihua, He Qiong, Zhang Shaowu. 2021. Nitrogen content diagnosis of apple trees canopy using hyperspectral reflectance combined with PLS variable extraction and extreme learning machine. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 14(3).

[14]Lu Junsheng, Hu Tiantian*, Geng Chenming, Cui Xiaolu, Fan Junliang, Zhang Fucang. 2021. Response of yield, yield components and water-nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat to different drip fertigation regimes in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management. 255,107034

[15]Junsheng Lu, Youzhen Xiang, Junliang Fan, Fucang Zhang,Tiantian Hu*. 2021. Sustainable high grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency and water productivity can be achieved in wheat-maize rotation system by changing irrigation and fertilization strategy. Agricultural Water Management, 258,107177.

[16]Junsheng Lu, Chenming Geng, Xiaolu Cui, Mengyue Li, shuaihong Chen, Tiantian Hu*. 2021. Response of drip fertigated wheat-maize rotation system on grain yield, water productivity and economic benefits using different water and nitrogen amounts. Agricultural Water Management, 258,107220.

[17]Chen Shaomin, Hu Tiantian*, Luo Lihua, He Qiong, Zhang Shaowu, Li Mengyue, Cui Xiaolu, Li Hongxiang. 2020. Rapid estimation of leaf nitrogen content in apple-trees based on canopy hyperspectral reflectance using multivariate methods. Infrared Physics & Technology. 111

[18]Qi Dongliang, Hu Tiantian*, Liu Tingting. 2020. Biomass accumulation and distribution, yield formation and water use efficiency responses of maize (Zea mays L.) to nitrogen supply methods under partial root-zone irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 230: DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2019.105981.

[19]Liu Jie, Hu Tiantian*, Fang Liang, Feng Puyu, Liu Fulai*. 2019. CO2 elevation modulates the response of leaf gas exchange to progressive soil drying in tomato plants.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 268(181-188).

[20]Liu Jie, Hu Tiantian*, Feng Puyu, Wang Li, Yang Shuohuan. 2019. Tomato yield and water use efficiency change with various soil moisture and potassium levels during different growth stages. Plos One. 14(3).






中国农业工程学会第四届农业水土工程专业委员会委员。国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,《Agricultural Water Management》、《农业工程学报》等国内外期刊审稿人。









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编辑:孙明星     终审:胡笑涛