1996年9月-2000年7月,西北林百家乐路子 ,水土保持与荒漠化防治,学士学位。
2019年5月—至今,百家乐路子-如何看路投注提高胜率 ,研究员;
2013年5月—2019年5月,百家乐路子-如何看路投注提高胜率 ,副研究员;
2007年5月—2013年5月,百家乐路子-如何看路投注提高胜率 ,助理研究员。
[1] 旱区中低产田土壤改良及水肥高效利用研究;
[2] 基于无人机、遥感影像、深度学习等黄土高原沟壑区特殊地形地貌提取与评价;
[3] 基于三维重建的黄土高原土壤侵蚀过程及水动力学研究;
[1] 十四五重点研发计划项目,2023YFD1900300,旱作土壤有机质与产能协同提升技术研发和应用,2023/07-2026/12,主持子任务70万元;
[2] 十四五重点研发,2021YFD900700,黄土高原旱作适水改土与产能提升技术模式及应用,2021/07-2025/12,主持子任务50万元;
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41977064,黄土高原沟壑区瓦背状地貌浅沟分布及侵蚀过程研究,2020/01-2023/12,61万元,主持;
[4] 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,41630860,黄土高原深层土壤水文过程及其生态效应,2017/01-2021/12,40万,主持;
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41671276,黄土丘陵区变坡系统土壤侵蚀演化过程及其动力学机理研究,2017/01-2020/12,66万,主持;
[6] 国家重点国家研发计划项目,2017YFC0403605,内陆河源区—灌区水资源挖潜与高效利用研究示范,2017/07-2020/06,主持子课题,26万;
[7] 国家863子课题,2013AA1092904,垄膜沟覆秸秆对土壤水热与冬小麦生长影响及其HYDRUS模拟,2013/01-2017/12,主持子课题,30万。
在《International Journal of Digital Earth》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《 Geoderma》、《International Soil and Water Conservation Research》、《农业工程学报》、《环境科学》等期刊发表论文70余篇;其中,近五年第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文31篇(中科院1区18篇、Top期刊15篇)、EI论文9篇;发明专利4项,其中授权专利2项;参编《中国雨水利用》1部;多个SCI期刊审稿人。
[1] Boyang Liu, Ziyu Chen, Bin Li, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Xiaodong Gao, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. Modeling of driving factors and headcut rates of ephemeral gullies in the loess plateau of China using high-resolution remote sensing images. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2024, 17(1). (IF= 3.9 中科院一区)
[2] Boyang Liu, Biao Zhang, Ziming Yin, Bai Hao, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. Ephemeral gully development in the hilly and gully region of China's loess plateau. Land Degradation & Development, 2024, 35(1), 128-141. (IF= 4.7 中科院二区)
[3] Biao Zhang, Haiyan Fang, Shufang Wu*, Chaoyue Li, Yan Wang, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Soil erosion prediction and spatiotemporal heterogeneity in driving effects of precipitation and vegetation on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 459 IF=11.07 中科院一区)
[4] Yajin Hu, Donghao Li, Yong Wu, Siyuan Liu, Ling Li, Weiqiang Chen, Shufang Wu*, Qingxiang Meng, Hao Feng, Kadambot H.M. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions by replacing inorganic fertilizer with organic fertilizer in wheat–maize rotation systems in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 344: 118494. (IF=8.0, 中科院二区 Top)
[5] Liquan Sun, Huili Guo, Heming Wang, Biao Zhang, Hao Feng, Shufang Wu*, Kada mbot H. M. Siddique. Deep learning for check dam area extraction with optical imag es and digital elevation model: A case study in the hilly and gully regions of the Lo ess Plateau, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2023, 48(14): 2645-266 0. (IF= 3.3 中科院三区)
[6] Huili Guo, Liquan Sun, Shufang Wu *, Hao Feng, Asim Biswas, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. An experimental investigation of the erosion process and morphological characteristics of the tile-back type slope with non-uniform slopes based on a 3D reconstruction method. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 325:113558. ( IF=8.7, 中科院二区 Top)
[7] Huili Guo, Liquan Sun, Shufang Wu *, Hao Feng, Asim Biswas, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. An experimental investigation of the erosion process and morphological characteristics of the tile-back type slope with non-uniform slopes based on a 3D reconstruction method. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 325:113558. ( IF=8.7, 中科院二区 Top)
[8] Huili Guo, Liquan Sun, Ailing Yao, Ziyu Chen, Hao Feng, Shufang Wu*, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. Abandoned terrace recognition based on deep learning and change detection on the Loess Plateau in China. Land Degradation & Development, 2023, 34(8):2349-2365. (IF= 4.7 中科院二区)
[9]Huili Guo, Liquan Sun, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Robert L. Hill, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. Performance of soil and water conservation practices in the erosion evolution process, runoff dynamics, and surface roughness. Soil Use and Management, 2023, 39(4): 1321-1334. (IF=3.8 中科院三区)
[10] Binbin Zhang, Sihui Yan, Shufang Wu*,Bin Li, Hao Feng, Xiaodong Gao, Xiaolin Song, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Combining organic and chemical fertilizer plus water-saving system reduces environmental impacts and improves apple yield in rainfed apple orchards, Agricultural Water Management, 2023 288: 108482. (IF=6.7,中科院一区 Top)
[11] Binbin Zhang, Sihui Yan, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Organic and inorganic fertilizers combined with a water-saving technique increased soil fertilities and apple production in a rainfed hilly orchard. Journal of cleaner production, 2023, 414: 137647. (IF= 11.1 中科院一区)
[12] Binbin Zhang, Sihui Yan, Xiaofeng Ouyang, Yajin Hu, Xiaolin Song, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Enhancing soil water, carbon, and nitrogen by partially substituting chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer integrated with a rainwater collection system in rainfed orchards, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 435: 140443. (IF= 11.1 中科院一区)
[13] Chenxiao Duan, Jiabei Li, Binbin Zhang, Shufang Wu*, Junliang Fan, Hao Feng, Jianqiang He, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Effect of bio-organic fertilizer derived from agricultural waste resources on soil properties and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in semi-humid drought-prone regions. Agricultural Water Management, 2023, 289: 108539. (IF=5.9,中科院一区Top)
[14] Biao Zhang, Ziyu Chen, Xuejin Shi, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Xiaodong Gao, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. Temporal and spatial changes of soil erosion under land use and land cover change based on Chinese soil loss equation in the typical watershed on the Loess Plateau. Soil Use and Management, 2023, 39(1): 1-14. (IF=3.8 中科院三区)
[15] Liquan Sun, Biao Zhang, Huili Guo, Kadambot H.M.Siddique, Shufang Wu*, J iangtao Yang. Assessing the performance of conservation measures for controlling slope runo ff and erosion using field scouring experiments. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 259 :107212 (IF=6.7 中科院一区 Top)
[16] Liquan Sun, Binbin Zhang, Shufang Wu*, Qi Lei. Development of rill erosion and its simulation with cellular automata rill model in Chinese Loess Plateau. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2022, 823-837. (IF=2.4,中科院四区)
[17] Binbin Zhang, Shunshun Su, Chenxiao Duan, Hao Feng, Henry Wai Chau, Jianqiang He, Yi Li, Robert Lee Hill, Shufang Wu*, Yufeng Zou. Effects of partial organic fertilizer replacement combined with rainwater collection system on soil water, nitrate-nitrogen and apple yield of rainfed apple orchard in the Loess Plateau of China: A 3-year field experiment, Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 260: 107295. (IF=6.7,中科院一区Top)
[18] Chenxiao Duan, Jifei Chen, Jiabei Li, Hao Feng, Shufang Wu*, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Effects of organic amendments and ridge–furrow mulching system on soil properties and economic benefits of wolfberry orchards on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 827: 154317. (IF=8.2,中科院一区Top)
[19] Chenxiao Duan, Jifei Chen, Jiabei Li, Shunshun Su, Qi Lei, Hao Feng, Shufang Wu*, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Yufeng Zou. Biomaterial amendments combined with ridge–furrow mulching improve soil hydrothermal characteristics and wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) growth in the Qaidam Basin of China. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 259: 107213. (IF=5.9,中科院一区Top)
[20] Boyang Liu, Biao Zhang, Hao Feng, Shufang Wu*, Yufeng Zou, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Ephemeral gully recognition and accuracy evaluation using Deep Learning in the hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau in China. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2022, 10 (3) :371-381.(IF=6.4,中科院一区)
[21] Yajin Hu, Penghui Ma, Shufang Wu*, Benhua Sun, Hao Feng, Xiaolin Pan, Binbin Zhang, Guangjie Chen, Chenxiao Duan, Qi Lei, Kadambot H.M. After-effects of straw and straw-derived biochar application on crop growth, yield, and soil properties in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - maize (Zea mays L.) rotations: A four-year field experiment. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 780: 146560. (IF=8.2, 中科院一区 Top)
[22] Yajin Hu, Benhua Sun, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Mingxia Gao, Penghui Ma, Tongxun Zhang, Xiaomin Pi. Soil carbon and nitrogen of wheat–maize rotation system under continuous straw and plastic mulch. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2021, 119: 181-193. (IF=2.4, 中科院三区)
[23] Liquan Sun, Huili Guo, Boyang Liu, Shufang Wu*, Paul R. Weckler, Jiangtao Yang. Characterizing erosion processes on a convex slope based on 3D reconstruction method. Geoderma, 2021, 402:115364. (IF=6.1,中科院一区 Top)
[24] Binbin Zhang, Yajin Hu, Robert L. Hill, Shufang Wu*, Xiaolin Song. Combined effects of biomaterial amendments and rainwater harvesting on soil moisture, structure and apple roots in a rainfed apple orchard on the Loess Plateau, China. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 248:106776. (IF=6.7 中科院一区 Top)
[25] Chenxiao Duan, Guangjie Chen, Yajin Hu, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Qin'ge Dong. Alternating wide ridges and narrow furrows with film mulching improves soil hydrothermal conditions and maize water use efficiency in dry sub-humid regions. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 245: 106559.(IF=5.9,中科院一区Top)
[26] Yajin Hu, Penghui Ma, Chenxiao Duan, Shufang Wu*, Hao Feng, Yufeng Zou. Black plastic film combined with straw mulching delays senescence and increases summer maize yield in northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 231:106031. (IF=5.9, 中科院一区 Top)
[27] Yajin Hu, Penghui Ma, Shufang Wu*, Benhua Sun, Hao Feng, Xiaolian Pan, Binbin Zhang, Guangjie Chen, Chenxiao Duan, Qi Lei, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Boyang Liu. Spatial-temporal distribution of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and water use efficiency under ridge–furrow dual mulching. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 240:106301. (IF=5.9, 中科院一区 Top)
[28] Yajin Hu, Penghui Ma, Binbin Zhang, Robert L. Hill, Shufang Wu*, Qin’ge Dong, Guangjie Chen. Exploring optimal soil mulching for the wheat-maize cropping system in sub-humid drought-prone regions in China. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 219:59-71. (IF=5.9, 中科院一区 Top)
[29] Yajin Hu, Nini Guo, Robert L. Hill, Shufang Wu*, Qin’ge Dong, Penghui Ma. Effects of the combined application of biomaterial amendments and polyacrylamide on soil water and maize growth under deficit irrigation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2019, 99: 182-194. (IF=1.5, 中科院四区)
[30] Liquan Sun, Shufang Wu*, Robert Lee Hill, Huili Guo, Hao, Feng. The effects of three microcatchment practices on erosion and runoff dynamics for a typical soil slope on the Loess Plateau of China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2019, 99: 46–59. (IF=1.7, 中科院四区)
[31] Guo Huili, Zhang Binbin, Robert Lee Hill, Wu Shufang*,Sun Liquan. Fish-scale pit effects on erosion and water runoff dynamics when positioned on a soil slope in the Loess Plateau region. Land Degradation & Development, 2019,147:78-93. (IF= 4.7 中科院二区)
[32] 孙立全,郭家龙,苑紫岩,冯浩,吴淑芳*. 基于深度学习和地理分析的淤地坝遥感识别. 农业机械学报. 2024.07(EI)
[33] 段晨骁,李佳蓓,吴淑芳*,冯浩. 有机无机肥配施对西北地区不同土壤类型氮素矿化影响. 农业机械学报,2024,55(5):344-355.(EI)
[34] 石学瑾,张彪,郭家龙,冯浩,吴淑芳*. 土地利用/覆被变化背景下黄土高原典型流域土壤侵蚀时空演变. 地理学报. 2024.(EI)
[35] 蒋洪丽,雷琪,张彪,吴淑芳*. 覆膜和有机无机配施对夏玉米农田温室气体排放及水氮利用的影响. 环境科学,2023,44(6):3426-3438.(EI)
[36] 吴淑芳*,张彪,石学瑾,苑紫岩,冯浩. FLUS-CSLE 模型预测黄土高原典型流域不同土地利用变化情景的土壤侵蚀. 农业工程学报,2022,38(24):83-92.(EI)
[37] 吴淑芳*,张彪,石学瑾,苑紫岩,冯浩. FLUS-CSLE 模型预测黄土高原典型流域不同土地利用变化情景的土壤侵蚀. 农业工程学报,2022,38(24):83-92.(EI)
[38] 孙立全, 吴淑芳*,郭慧莉,张永东. 人工掏挖坡面侵蚀微地貌演化及其水力学特性分析. 水科学进展,2017,28(5):721-730.(EI)
[39] 郭慧莉, 孙立全, 吴淑芳*,李宜坪. 黄土高原地区鱼鳞坑坡面侵蚀演化过程及水力学特征.土壤学报,2017,54(5):1125-1135.(EI)
[40] 周立峰,吴淑芳*,齐智娟,张体彬. 基于作物耗水特性的夹砂地膜下滴灌模式优选. 农业机械学报,2017,48(9):183-191.(EI)
[1]一种土壤保水保肥剂及其制备方法(ZL200810232345.4),国家发明专利. 吴淑芳,吴普特,冯浩,杜健,李玉梅,2008年;
[2]一种山地苹果园水肥坑施制备方法(ZL201710612368.7),国家发明专利. 吴淑芳,张彬彬,2017年;
[3]一种条状微垄沟根域水肥聚集系统及其应用(CN202311079215.2),国家发明专利,吴淑芳, 李斌, 欧阳啸丰, 王治英, 冯浩, 2023年;
[4] 一种环状根域集雨系统及其应用(CN202311215183.4),国家发明专利,吴淑芳,王治英,欧阳啸丰,李斌,冯浩,2023年。
[1] 陕西省科技进步一等奖,黄土高原干旱过程与雨水资源化,陕西省人民政府,2019年,5/11;
[2] 神农中华农业科技优秀团队奖,中华人民共和国农业农村部,2021年,14/15;
[3] 陕西省教育厅高等学校科学技术一等奖,旱区覆盖农田作物模型研究与应用,陕西省教育厅,2020年,6/11;
[4] 陕西省学位与研究生教育成果二等奖,陕西省学位与研究生教育学会,2023年,4/5。
[1] 西北农林科技大学优秀导师奖,2023年;
[2] 西北农林科技大学优秀团队奖,2022年;
[3] 校级优秀毕业生学位论文优秀指导教师奖,西北农林科技大学,2019、2020、2021、2022年;
[4] 西北农林科技大学优秀共产党员,中共西北农林科技大学委员会,2019年;
[5] 杨凌示范区道德模范奖,杨凌示范区管委会,2017年。
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学硕: 082802农业水土工程专业04农业水土工程管理与信息技术
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