中国博士后科学基金特别资助, 202301-202512,18万,主持。
西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金项目,202101-202312,20万, 主持。
[1] Tan Chuandong, Du Yadan *, Hu Xiaotao, Li Xiaoyan, Wang Yuming, Yan Tinglin, Zhang Jinbo, Niu Wenquan, Gu Xiaobo, Christoph Müller, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Aerated irrigation improves soil gross nitrogen transformations in greenhouse tomato: Insights from a 15N-tracing study. Soil & Tillage Research, 2024.
[2] Tan Chuandong, Du Yadan *, Gu Xiaobo, Niu Wenquan, Zhang Jinbo, Christoph Müller, Cao Xuesong. Aerated irrigation increases tomato production by improving soil nitrogen availability. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024.
[3] Sun Jun, Niu Wenquan*, Du Yadan*, Ma Li, Huang Siying, Mu Fei, Zhang Qian, Li Guochun, Zhu Jinjin, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Regionally adapted conservation tillage reduces the risk of crop yield losses: A global meta-analysis. Soil & Tillage Research, 2024.
[4] Zhikai Cheng, Xiaobo Gu*, Zhihui Zhou, Yuanling Zhang, Haowei Yin, Wenlong Li, Tian Chang, Yadan Du. Enhancing in-season yield forecast accuracy for film-mulched wheat: A hybrid approach coupling crop model and UAV remote-sensing data by ensemble learning technique. European Journal of Agronomy. 2024.
[5] Du Yadan#, Sun Jun, Wang Zhen, Zhan Qian, Cui Bingjing, Niu Wenquan*. Effect of ridge film mulching and nitrogen application rate on seed quality, oil yield and nitrogen-use efficiency of winter oilseed rape in northwest China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2021.
[6] Zhang Qian, Niu Wenquan*, Du Yadan *, Sun Jun, Cui Bingjing, Zhang Erxin, Wang Yanbang, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Effect of aerated drip irrigation and nitrogen doses on N2O emissions, microbial activity, and yield of tomato and muskmelon under greenhouse conditions. 2023, Agricultural Water Management, 283: 108321.
[7] Jun Sun, Niu Wenquan*, Du Yadan *, Zhang Qian, Li Guochun, Ma Li, Zhu Jinjin, Mu Fei, Sun Dan, Haicheng Gan, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Sajjad Ali. Combined tillage: A management strategy to improve rainfed maize tolerance to extreme events in northwestern China.2023, Agricultural Water Management, 289: 108503.
[8] Sun Jun, Wang Zhen, Du Yadan⁎, Zhan Erxin, Gan Haicheng, Sun Dan, Niu Wenquan⁎. Optimized tillage can enhance crop tolerance to extreme weather events: Evidence from field experiments and meta-analysis. 2024, Soil & Tillage Research, 238: 106003.
[9] Du Yadan#, Niu Wenquan*, Zhang Qian, Cui Bingjing, Zhang Zhenhua, Wang Zhen, Sun Jun. A synthetic analysis of the effect of water and nitrogen inputs on wheat yield and water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies in China. Field Crops Research. 2021, 265: 108105. (中科院1区)
[10] Du Yadan#, Cui Bingjing, Zhang Qian, Wang Zhen, Sun Jun, Niu Wenquan*. Effects of manure fertilizer on crop yield and soil properties in China: A meta-analysis. Catena. 2020. 235: 106152. (中科院1区,高被引论文)
[11] Du Yadan#, Zhang Qian, Cui Bingjing, Sun Jun, Wang Zhen, Ma Lihui, Niu Wenquan*. Aerated irrigation improves crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency while reducing nitrogen application rate. Agricultural Water Management. 2020. 235: 106152. (中科院1区)
[12] Du Yadan#, Niu Wenquan*, Gu Xiaobo, Zhang Qian, Cui Bingjing, Zhao Ying. Crop yield and water use efficiency under aerated irrigation: A meta-analysis. Agricultural Water Management. 2018, 210: 158-164. (中科院1区)
[13] Du Yadan#, Niu Wenquan*, Gu Xiaobo, Qian Zhang, Cui Bingjing. Water- and nitrogen-saving potentials in tomato production: A meta-analysis. Agricultural Water Management. 2018, 210: 296-303. (中科院1区)
[14] Du Yadan#, Gu Xiaobo, Wang Jingwei, Niu Wenquan*. Yield and gas exchange of greenhouse tomato at different nitrogen levels under aerated irrigation. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 668:1156-1164. (中科院1区)
[15] Du Yadan#, Niu Wenquan*, Zhang Qian, Cui Bingjing, Gu Xiaobo, Guo Lili, Liang Bohui. Effects of nitrogen on soil microbial abundance, enzyme activity, and nitrogen use efficiency in greenhouse celery under aerated irrigation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2017, 82: 606-613. (中科院2区)
[16] Du Yadan#, Cao Hongxia*, Liu Shiquan, Gu Xiaobo, Cao Yuxin. Response of yield, quality, water and nitrogen use efficiency of tomato to different levels of water and nitrogen under drip irrigation in Northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2017, 16: 1153-1161. (中科院2区)
[17] Du Yadan#, Cui Bingjing, Zhang Qian, Sun Jun, Wang Zhen, Niu WenQuan*. Utilizing comprehensive decision analysis methods to determine an optimal planting pattern and nitrogen application for winter oilseed rape. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2020, 19: 2229-2238. (中科院2区)
[18] Du Yadan#, Sun Jun, Wang Zhen, Zhan Qian, Cui Bingjing, Niu Wenquan*. Effect of ridge film mulching and nitrogen application rate on seed quality, oil yield and nitrogen-use efficiency of winter oilseed rape in northwest China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2021. (中科院3区)
[19] Zhang Qian, Du Yadan*, Cui Bingjing, Sun Jun, Wang Jie, Wu Menglong, Niu Wenquan*. Aerated irrigation offsets the negative effects of nitrogen reduction on crop growth and water-nitrogen utilization. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021. (中科院1区)
[20] Sun Jun, Wang Zhen, Du Yadan*, Zhang Erxin, Gan Haicheng, Sun Dan, Niu Wenquan*. Optimized tillage improves yield and energy efficiency while reducing carbon footprint in winter wheat-summer maize rotation systems. Science of the Total Environment. 2022. (中科院2区)
[21] Li Wenlong, Gu Xiaobo*, Fan Heng, Zhao Tongtong, Yin Rui, Cheng Zhikai, Tan Chuandong, Zhou Zhihui, Du Yadan. Optimizing nitrogen application rate by establishing a unified critical nitrogen dilution curve for maize under different mulching planting patterns. European Journal of Agronomy, 2023.
[22] Li Guochun, Niu Wenquan*, Ma Li, Du Yadan, Zhang Qian , Sun Jun, Kadambot H.M. Siddiquee. Legacy effects of wheat season organic fertilizer addition on microbial co-occurrence networks, soil function, and yield of the subsequent maize season in a wheat-maize rotation system. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023.
[23] Ma Li, Niu Wenquan*, Li Guochun, Du Yadan, Sun Jun, Zhang Qian, Kadambot H.M.Siddique. Crucial role of rare taxa in preserving bacterial communitystability. Land Degradation Devlopment. 2023.
[24] Zhu Jinjin, Niu Wenquan*, Du Yadan, Sun Jun, Siddique KHM,Yang Runya, Zhang Zhenhua. Non-negligible role of soil archaeal communities in improving microbial stability of tomato fields under aeration drip irrigation. Scientia Horitculturae. 2023.
[25] Yin Rui, Gu Xiaobo*, Cheng Zhikai, Li Wenlong, Wang Yuming, Zhao Tongtong, Cai Wenjing, Du Yadan, Cai Huanjie. Optimizing nitrogen application patterns and amounts to improve maize yield and water-nitrogen use efficiencies in the Loess Plateau of China: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Agronomy. 2024.
[26] Zhang Yuanling, Fang Heng, Gu Xiaobo*, Yin Haowei, Zhang Yuyi, Du Yadan, Cai Huanjie, Li Yuannong. Increasing nitrogen application is predicted to alleviate the effects of climate warming on maize yield reduction and maintain the dietary supply of wheat and maize protein. European Journal of Agronomy. 2024.
[27] Cheng Zhikai, Gu Xiaobo*, Wei Chunyu, Zhou Zhihui, Zhao Tongtong, Wang Yuming, Li Wenlong, Du Yadan, Cai Huanjie. Monitoring aboveground organs biomass of wheat and maize: A novel model combining ensemble learning and allometric theory. European Journal of Agronomy. 2024.
[28] Cheng Zhikai, Gu Xiaobo*, Zhou Zhihui, Yin Rui, Zheng Xiaobo, Li Wenlong, Cai Wenjing, Chang Tian, Du Yadan. Crop aboveground biomass monitoring model based on UAV spectral index reconstruction and Bayesian model averaging: A case study of film-mulched wheat and maize. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2024.
[29] Cheng Zhikai, Gu Xiaobo*, Du Yadan, Wei Chunyu, Xu Yang, Zhou Zhihui, Li Wenlong,Cai Huanjie. Multi-modal fusion and multi-task deep learning for monitoring the growth of film-mulched winter wheat. Precision Agriculture. 2024.
[30] Cheng Zhikai, Gu Xiaobo*,Du Yadan, Zhou Zhihui, Li Wenlong, Zheng Xiaobo, Cai Wenjing, Chagn Tian. Spectral purification improves monitoring accuracy of the comprehensive growth evaluation index for film-mulched winter wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024.
[31] Wenlong Li, Xiaobo Gu*, Du Yadan, Zheng Xiaobo, Lu Shiyu, Cheng Zhikai, Cai Wenjin, Chang Tian. Optimizing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization regimes to improve maize productivity under double ridge-furrow planting with full film mulching. Agricultural Water Management. 2023.
[32] 韦春宇,杜娅丹*,程智楷,周智辉,谷晓博. 基于无人机遥感植被指数优选的覆膜冬小麦估产研究.农业机械学报, 2024, 4(55): 146-175.
[33] 杜娅丹#, 张倩, 崔冰晶, 谷晓博, 牛文全*. 加气灌溉水氮互作对温室芹菜地N2O排放的影响. 农业工程学报. 2017, 33: 127-134.
[34] 杜娅丹#, 曹红霞*, 柳美玉, 李天星. 基于层次分析法和熵权法的TOPSIS模型在番茄生长综合评价中的应用. 西北农业学报. 2015, 24: 90-96.
[35] 杜娅丹#, 曹红霞*, 谷晓博, 王萍. 基质栽培番茄临界氮浓度和氮营养指数研究. 节水灌溉. 2016, 9: 1-7.
[1] 西北农林科技大学研究生优秀学位论文指导教师,2024年
[2] 陕西省科协青年人才托举计划,陕西省科学技术协会,2023年
[3] 西北农林科技大学本科生“百篇优秀毕业论文(设计)”指导教师,2022年
[4] 西北农林科技大百家乐路子 级优秀教师,2021/2023年
[5] 第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新大赛全国赛银奖,2021年
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