[1]Feng H, XingX*, Zhao F, Yu M. 2024. Insights into simultaneous changes of water evaporation and desiccation crack formation for microplastics-contained saline soils. Geoderma. 448, 116977.
[2]Xing X, Jing X*, Zhao F, Jiao S, Su L, Yu M, Zhao L*. 2024. Dry-wet alternation and microplastics particle size effects on and contributions to soil water and soil pore properties. European Journal of Soil Science. 75, e13522.
[3]Chang K, Feng H, Xing J, Wang X, Yao R*, XingX*. 2024. High salinity prolongs water processes required for soil structure stability during drying-wetting cycles. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 88, 1100-1108.
[4]Wu J, Wang N, XingX*, Ma X*. 2024. Relationship of winter wheat phenology with carbon and water flux and influencing factors in the North China Plain. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 222, 109034.
[5]Wu J, Gu Y, Sun K, XingX*, Ma X*. 2024. Impacts of climate change on winter wheat net primary production: the regulatory role of crop management. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 104, 1420-1430.
[6]Zhao L, Qing S, Li H, Qiu Z, Niu X, Shi Y, Chen S, Xing X*. 2024. Estimating maize evaporanspiration based on hybrid back-propagation neural network models and meteorological, soil, and crop data. International Journal of Biometeorology. 68, 511-525.
[7]Wang W, Wang Y, Cai L, Xing X*. 2024. Variable-rate fertilization in a custard apple (Annona squamosaL.) orchard based on the spatial variability of soil nutrients. Applied Fruit Science. 66, 803-812.
[8]Li Y, Yang G, Yu C, Lei X, Ma X, Xing X*. 2024. Microplastics in the agricultural soils: pollution behavior and subsequent effects. Land Degradation & Development.
[9]Feng H, Xing X*, Su L, Zhang C, Wang Y, Li Y, Wang W*. 2024. Insights into saline soil cracking subjected to drying-wetting cycles. Acta Geophysica.
[10]Xing X, NieW*, Chang K, Zhao L, Li Y*, Ma X. 2023. A numerical approach for modeling crack closure and infiltrated flow in cracked soils. Soil & Tillage Research. 233, 105794.
[11]Zhao L, Qing S, Bai J, Hao H, Li H, Shi Y, Xing X*, Yang R. 2023. A hybrid optimized model for predicting evapotranspiration in early and late rice based on a categorical regression tree combination of key influencing factors. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 211, 108031.
[12]Wang W, Shi F, Du J, Li L, Bai T, Xing X*. 2023. Soil factors that contribute to the abundance and structure of the diazotrophic community and soybean growth, yield, and quality under biochar amendment. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 10, 54.
[13]Zhao L, Zhao X, Li Y, Shi Y, Zhou H, Li X, Wang X, Xing X*. 2023. Applicability of hybrid bionic optimization models with kernel-based extreme learning machine algorithm for predicting daily reference evapotranspiration: a case study in arid and semiarid regions, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30, 22396-22412.
[14]Wu J, Wang N, Xing X*, Ma X*. 2023. Loss of net primary production of seasonal winter wheat due to multiple drought types in the main grain-producing area of China. Journal of Hydrology. 625, 130093.
[15]Jing X, Su L, Wang Y, Yu M, Xing X*. 2023. How do microplastics affect physical properties of silt loam soil under wetting-drying cycles? Agronomy. 13, 844.
[16]Gao Y, Chang K, Xing X*, Liang J, He N, Ma X. 2022. Determination of soil water hydraulic parameters from infiltration data. Engineering Computations. 39, 541-553.
[17]Xing X, Jing X, Zhao F, Wang W*. 2022. Interactions between water evaporation and surface cracking in NaCl-induced homogeneous silt loam and sand. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 53, 1930-1941.
[18]Zhao L, Zhao X, Pan X, Shi Y, Qiu Z, Li X, Xing X*, Bai J. 2022. Prediction of daily reference crop evapotranspiration in different Chinese climate zones: Combined application of key meteorological factors and Elman algorithm. Journal of Hydrology. 610, 127822.
[19]Wang Z #, Xing X #, Xue M, Bai S, Li P, Li C, Xia T*. 2022. Insights into heteroaggregation of polystyrene nanoplastics with hematite nanoparticles and configuration-dependent adsorption for PFOA and PFOS. Colloids and Surface A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 649, 129467.
[20]Garg A, Xing X*, Bordoloi S. 2022. Water retention models for soils mixed with waste residues: application of the modified van-Genuchten and Brooks-Corey models. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 12, 5059-5066.
[21]Guo H, Feng H, Xing X*. 2022. Plastic content and size together produce the dual effects on water loss and surface fissure for silt loam. Eurasian Soil Science. 55, 1741-1748.
[22]Wang W, Gong Y, Xing X*, Zhao F, Zhang X. 2022. Effects of water-salt coordinated regulation technique on ion distribution and antioxidant enzyme activities in tomato. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 15, 165-174.
[23]Lai Y, Garg A, Chang K, Xing X*, Fan J, Liang J, Yu M. 2021. A novel method to inverse the water retention curves with consideration of volume change during centrifuge testing. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 85, 207-216.
[24]Xing X, Liu Y, Garg A*, Ma X, Yang T*, Zhao L. 2021. An improved genetic algorithm for determining modified water-retention model for biochar-amended soil. Catena. 200, 105143.
[25]Xing X, Yu M, Xia T*, Ma L. 2021. Interactions between water flow and microplastics in silt loam and loamy sand. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 85, 1956-1962.
[26]Zhao L, Zhao X, Zhou H, Wang X, Xing X*. 2021. Prediction model for daily reference crop evapotranspiration based on hybrid algorithm and principal components analysis in Southwest China. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 190, 106424.
[27]Wang W, Gong Y, Xing X*. 2020. Groundwater evaporation for salt-affected soil under plastic film-covered cultivated condition: a review. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 20, 1229-1237.
[28]Liang J, Xing X*, Gao Y. 2020. A modified physical-based water-retention model for continuous soil moisture estimation during infiltration: experiments on saline and non-saline soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 66, 1344-1357.
[29]Xing X, Ma X*. 2019. Analysis of cracking potential and modification of soil-water characteristic curve by adding wheat residues. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 83, 1299-1308.
[30]Xing X, Li X, Ma X*. 2019. Capillary rise and saliferous groundwater evaporation: effects of various solutes and concentrations. Hydrology Research. 50, 517-525.
[31]Xing X, Du W, Ma X*. 2019. Field-scale distribution and heterogeneity of soil salinity in mulched-drip-irrigation cotton field. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 65, 1248-1261.
[32]Xing X, Liu Y, Ma X*. 2019. A modified van-Genuchten model for soil-water retention modeling by considering plant additives. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 65, 435-449.
[33]Xing X, Li Y, Ma X*. 2018. Water retention curve correction using changes in bulk density during data collection. Engineering Geology. 233, 231-237.
[34]Xing X, Ma X*. 2018. Simplification of the Gardner model: effects on maximum upward flux in the presence of a shallow water table. Hydrogeology Journal. 26, 1117-1122.
[35]Xing X, Wang H, Ma X*. 2018. Brooks-Corey modeling by one-dimensional vertical infiltration method. Water. 10, 593.
[36]Xing X, Li Y, Ma X*. 2017. Effects on infiltration and evaporation when adding rapeseed-oil residue or wheat straw to a loam soil. Water. 9, 700.
[37]Xing X, Kang D, Ma X*. 2017. Differences in loam water retention and shrinkage behavior: Effects of various types and concentrations of salt ions. Soil & Tillage Research. 167, 61-72.
[38]Xing X, Ma X*, Shi W. 2016. Lysimeter observation and model simulation of groundwater evaporation under bare and film-covered ground conditions. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 25, 1493-1500.
[39]Xing X, Liu Y, Zhao W, Kang D, Yu M, Ma X*. 2016. Determination of dominant weather parameters on reference evapotranspiration by path analysis theory. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 120, 10-16.
[40]Xing X, Ma X*, Shi W. 2015. Daytime and nighttime groundwater contributions to soil with different surface conditions. Hydrogeology Journal. 23, 1719-1729.
[41]邢旭光,张盼,马孝义*. 2017. 掺混菜籽油渣减少土壤入渗改善持水特性. 农业工程学报. 33(2), 102-108.
[42]邢旭光,马孝义*,康端刚. 2016. 盐阳离子类型及浓度对土壤持水及干缩开裂的作用效果. 农业工程学报. 32(9), 115-122.
[43]邢旭光,柳烨,马孝义*. 2016. 土壤添加物对土-水曲线和土体收缩的影响. 水科学进展. 27(1), 40-48.
[44]邢旭光,马孝义*. 2016. 土壤失水过程对土体收缩特性的影响. 农业机械学报. 47(6), 148-153.
[45]邢旭光,赵文刚,马孝义*,赵伟,史文娟. 2015. 覆膜滴灌条件下棉花根层土壤盐分时间稳定性研究. 农业机械学报. 46(7), 146-153.
[46]邢旭光,赵文刚,柳烨,马孝义*. 2015. 猕猴桃果园不同采样密度下土壤含水率空间变异性研究. 农业机械学报. 46(8), 138-145.
[47]邢旭光,赵文刚,马孝义*,张云龙. 2015. 土壤水分特曲线测定过程中土壤收缩特性研究. 水利学报. 46(10), 1181-1188.
[2]邢旭光;Real-time monitoring system for soil water and salt migration process,发明专利,2023.
[1]河南省教育厅科技成果奖优秀科技论文一等奖,“Prediction of daily reference crop evapotranspiration in different Chinese climate zones:Combined application of key meteorological factors and Elman algorithm”,河南省教育厅,2023,7/8(通讯作者)
[2]河南省教育厅科技成果奖优秀科技论文二等奖,“A hybrid optimized model for predicting evapotranspiration in early and late rice based on a categorical regression tree combination of key influencing factors”,河南省教育厅,2024,7/7(通讯作者)
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