2022年1月—至今,西北农林科技大学百家乐路子 ,副研究员
2019年7月—2021年12月,西北农林科技大学百家乐路子 ,助理研究员
2018年7月—2019年7月,西北农林科技大学百家乐路子 ,讲师
2016年10月—2017年12月,丹麦哥本哈根大学(Unviersity of Copenhagen),植物与环境科学系,联合培养
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:二氧化碳浓度升高下交替灌溉对番茄营养元素化学计量的调控研究,2020-2022,主持
2. 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金项目:不同水汽压下土壤干旱对大麦气孔导度的调控研究,2018-2020,主持
3. 陕西省引进国内博士专项资助项目:CO2浓度升高与交替灌溉对番茄碳氮分配和利用的调控研究,2021-2022,主持
4. 教育部国家级人才配套经费项目:土壤-作物系统中水分养分调控与高效利用,2018-2023,主要参与
在《Agricultural Water Management》《Plant and Soil》《Science of the Total Environment》《Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science》《Frontiers in Plant Science》《Scientia Horticulturae》《Current Opinion in Plant Biology》《农业工程学报》等主流的国内外期刊已发表学术论文近30篇(SCI期刊 23篇、国内期刊 4 篇),其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文15篇(SCI收录12篇,EI收录1篇);参编专著2部。代表性论文如下(#同等贡献,*通讯作者):
[1] Wei Zhenhua#; Abdelhakim L O A#; Fang Liang; Peng Xiaoying; Liu Jie; Liu Fulai*. Elevated CO2 effect on the response of stomatal control and water use efficiency in amaranth and maize plants to progressive drought stress. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 266: 107609.(中科院1区,校内G3)
[2] Liu Xuezhi; Ma Yingying; Manevski K; Andersen M N; Li Yue; Wei Zhenhua*; Liu Fulai*. Biochar and alternate wetting-drying cycles improving rhizosphere soil nutrients availability and tobacco growth by altering root growth strategy in Ferralsol and Anthrosol. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 806: 150513.(中科院1区,校内G3)
[3] Liu Xuezhi; Wei Zhenhua *; Hou Jingxiang; Wan Heng; Zhang Qiang; Ma Yingying; Liu Fulai*. Partial root-zone drying irrigation improves growth and physiology of tobacco amended with biochar by modulating phytohormonal profile and antioxidant system. 2022, doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05359-8.(中科院2区TOP,校内G4)
[4] Liu Jie; Li Shenglan; Yang Xin; Wei Zhenhua*; Liu Fulai. Effects of soil drought and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) on water use efficiency of tomato plants with contrasting endogenous ABA levels. Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 295: 110797.(中科院2区TOP,校内G4)
[5] Wei Zhenhua#; Fang Liang#; Li Xiangnan; Liu Jie; Liu Fulai*. Endogenous ABA level modulates the effects of CO2 elevation and soil water deficit on growth, water and nitrogen use efficiencies in barley and tomato plants, Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 249: 106808.(中科院1区,校内G3)
[6] Wei Zhenhua#; Fang Liang#; Li Xiangnan; Liu Jie; Liu Fulai*. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on leaf gas exchange response to progressive drought in barley and tomato plants with different endogenous ABA level, Plant and Soil, 2020, 447: 431-446.(中科院1区,校内G4)
[7] Zhang Peng; Yang Xin; Chen Yiting; Wei Zhenhua*; Liu Fulai*. Dissecting the combined effects of air temperature and relative humidity on water use efficiency of barley under drought stress, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science , 2021, 207: 606-617.(中科院1区,校内G3)
[8] Liu Jie; Peng Xiaoying; Abdelhakim Lamis; Fang Liang; Wei Zhenhua*; Liu Fulai*. Carbon dioxide elevation combined with sufficient irrigation and nitrogen fertilization improves fruit quality of tomato grown in glasshouse, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2021, 186: 104435.(中科院3区)
[9] Wei Zhenhua; Du Taisheng*; Li Xiangnan; Fang Liang; Liu Fulai*. Interactive effects of CO2 concentration elevation and nitrogen fertilization on water and nitrogen use efficiency of tomato grown under reduced irrigation regimes, Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 202: 174-182.(中科院1区,校内G3)
[10] Wei Zhenhua; Du Taisheng*; Li Xiangnan; Fang Liang; Liu Fulai*. Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on yield and quality of tomato grown under reduced irrigation regimes, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9 (328).(中科院2区TOP)
[11] Wei Zhenhua; Du Taisheng*; Li Xiangnan; Fang Liang; Liu Fulai*. Simulation of stomatal conductance and water use efficiency of tomato leaves exposed to different irrigation regimes and air CO2 concentrations by a modified “Ball-Berry” model, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9(445).(中科院2区TOP)
[12] Wei Zhenhua; Du Taisheng*; Zhang Juan; Xu Shujun; Cambre Paul J; Davies William J. Carbon isotope discrimination shows a higher water use efficiency under alternate partial root-zone irrigation of field-grown tomato, Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 165: 33-43.(中科院1区,校内G3)
[13] 魏镇华,杜太生*,张娟,徐淑君. 利用碳同位素分辨率表征沟灌番茄水分利用效率. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(7): 58-65.(EI,校内G4)
[14] 魏镇华,陈庚,徐淑君,杜太生*. 交替控水条件下微润灌溉对番茄耗水和产量的影响. 灌溉排水学报, 2014, 33(Z1): 139-143.
[15] 魏镇华,张娟,徐淑君,杜太生*. 交替灌溉下作物水分运移过程的稳定氢同位素示踪研究. 灌溉排水学报, 2013, 32(6): 15-18.
《Agricultural Water Management》《Frontiers in Plant Science》《Environmental and Experimental Botany》《GCB Bioenergy》《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》《Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》等多个SCI期刊的审稿人。国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家。
通讯地址:陕西杨凌渭惠路23号 西北农林科技大学百家乐路子